Go to your account by clicking on your name in the header. Navigate to the tab settings. Here you can change your password. Have you lost your password? Then click on login and request a password reset.

After purchasing your course you can start directly. Navigate to the course page and click on the button on the right side of the page that says “Start Course”.

Underneath each lesson you can ask a question. We try to get with an answer as quickly as possible.

Yes definitely! All videos have been recorded in HQ. Check if the video player is set to show the video in HQ. The quality of the video depends on your internet speed. If your internet speed is poor the video will be of lower quality. This is to ensure you are able to play the video in the first place. 

Need more help?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

© 2025 THYSOL Academy - A learning platform by THYSOL Group B.V.